Table of Contents

Chapter 1

1.1: Stable Matching Problem

I read the chapter before we worked on this problem in class and it made everything so simple and easy to understand. I am also in the middle of sorority recruitment and so it seemed very relevant. Since as a member of a sorority we have preferences and the freshman have preferences and this whole week is based on matching the sorority with a pledge class. What is actually really interesting about recruitment that most people don't know is that a computer algorithm is used to do the matching every night. (Pretty crazy).

The text goes over an example with marriages, which we also used in class. The Gale-Sharpley algorithm to solve it is very simple and seeing it in code made it clear why it worked so well. I was surprised to find that it had a unique stable solution and that the women and men experience the opposite preference changes through out the algorithm. Women move to better matches, while men move to worse.

I found the proofs most interesting because they were succint and simple. I am also a sucker for a proof by contradiction. I think the best proof was showing it was a stable matching since once you know the trick to show the contradiction it is only a couple lines. I would like to go over the proof that the solution is unique in class since that is the most complicated.

1.2 Five Representative Problems

The text briefly went through the following five problems. I pulled a few notes just to remember what they are.