Table of Contents

Chapter 2

2.1: Computational Tractability

The goal of this course is to write correct and efficient algorithms and this sections goes through how we define efficiency.

Intial attempt at defining efficiancy: “An algorithm is efficient if when, when implemented, it runs quickly on real input instances” What works:

What doesn't work:

Worst-Case Running Times and Brute-Force Search: “An algorith is efficient if it achieves qualitatviely better worst-case performance, at an analytical level, than brute-force search” Why it works:

Why it doesn't works:

Polynomial Time as a Definition of Efficiency “An algorithm is efficient if it has a polynomial running time.” Why it works:

Why it doesn't work

2.2 Asymptotic Order of Growth

This section discuss how to measure the order of an algorithm and looks at how to find a lower bound, an upper bound, and a tight bound. Our goal is to express the growth rate of running times of algorithms.

Upper bounds:

Lower bound:

Tight bounds:

Properties of Asymptotic Growth Rates

1. Transitivity: 
  * If f = O(g) and g = O(h) then f = O(h)
  * If f = Ω(g) and g = Ω(h) then f = Ω(h)
  * If f = Θ(g) and g = Θ(h) then f = Θ(h)
2. Sum of Functions
  * Suppose that f and g are two functions such that for some other function h, we have f=O(h) and g = O(h) then f+g=O(h)
  * The same can be said for a finite number of functions
  * g = O(f) then f+g = O(f)

Asymptotic bounds for the some common fuctions

Helpful to have the bounds for common functions, but I am wondering how will we find them in the future?

2.3: Implementing the Stable Matching Algorithm Using Lists and Arrays

Moving from general discussion of GS algorithm to actual implementation. First need to figure out what Data Structures to use.



We will need to use both in the stable matching alogorithm

This gives O(n^2) running time.

Getting into this stuff is more difficult for me. I don't remember running times as much and I try to think of it logically and actually go through the process, but it doesn't always work. Any step by step process would be helpful, but I am guessing it's something you get better at with time.

2.4: A Survey of Common Running Times

This section was easier to read since we just spent so much time on it and I felt pretty comfortable with it.

Linear time

O(n*logn) time

Quadratic time:

Cubic time


Beyond polynomial time

Sublinear time

This all makes sense to me, I think the biggest struggle will be when I need to design an alogirthm with a certain running time, but these are the notes I should look at!

2.5: A More Complex Data Structure Priority Queues

Priority Queue:

Use a heap to implement a priority queue

Use these operations:

I think heaps are soooo fun! I enjoyed this chapter because it layed out the code in a pretty readabe way.