====== Chapter 7 ===== ===== 7.1 The maximum - flow problem and the ford - fulkerson Algorithm ===== * want to model a flow network * associated with edges are capacity, which is non negative * single source node s * single sink node t * Need to define flow * need to figure out how to get maximum flow over network * Need a residual graph * algorithm on p. 342 * algorithm O(mC) ===== 7.2 Maximum flows and minimum cuts in a network ===== * let f be any s-t flow, and (A, B) any s-T cut then V(f) = Fout(a) - fin(a) * proofs of why this is maximum flow on 347 * max flow = min cut * 7.9 - if f is an s-t flow sucht that there is no s-t path in the residual graph Gf, then there is an s-t cut (a*, b*) in G for which v(F) = c(A*,B*) consequently f has maximum value of any flow in G, and (A*, B*) has the minimum capacity of any s-t cut in G. * 7.10 - the flow f returned by the ford - fulkerson algorithm is a maximum flow. * 7.11 given a flow f of maximum value, we can compute as s-t cut of minimum capacity in O(m) time. * 7.13 - in every flow network, the maximum value of an s-t flow is equal to the minimum capacity of an s-t cut. 7.14 if all capacities in the flow network are integers, then there is a maximum flow f for which every flow value f(e) is an integer. ===== 7.5 A first application: The bipartite matching problem ===== * going back to our bipartite problem, but there is a source node and a sink node. and the bipartite two teams are split one with the source node and one with the sink node * 7.34 m' contains k edges * each node in x is the tail of at most one edge in m' * each node in y is the head of at most one edge in m' * the size of the maximum matching in G is equal to the value of the maximum flow in G' and hte edges in such a matching in G are the edges that carry flow from x to y in G. * can use the ford fulkerson to find this maximum matching in bipartite graphs in O(mn) time ===== 7.7 Extensions to the maxmim flow problem ===== The problem * Circulations with demands * we have demand nodes and supply nodes * the supply has negative deamnd design the algorithm * put all the supply nodes with one source node * put all the demand nodes with the one sink node * pretty simple if we think of it that way. ===== 7.8 survey design ===== The problem * questions for consumers abotu products * only a certain number of questions for each consumer * only a certain number of customers have each product * more details on the algorithm on page 286 * images are so helpful on 386 *