====== Chapter 1 ====== ===== 1.1: Stable Matching ===== * There are many applications in which one wants to produce a self-enforcing matching algorithm, such that no unmatched pair would mutually prefer breaking the existing pair and pairing with each other. This problem is most readily approached as a matching of n parties to n parties, even though most real-world situations are n×m (reflecting a general intuition that it is often easiest to approach a hard problem by first solving related but simpler problems and then extending the solution to the harder case). The Gale-Shapley algorithm finds such a stable matching in n^2 time, which proves the existence of such a matching given any set of preferences. * Interestingly, this seems to be a subset of cooperative game theory, which I studied a bit last . There, people gain from entering coalitions, and the task is to find distributions of the gain that prevent voluntary defection. * No questions. * I find all this talk about fairness rather annoying--it may be a curiosity of the algorithm, but is never treated rigorously. Indeed, it is not even a proper part of the problem--the task is to find a stable matching, not a stable //and fair// algorithm. Especially given that this is the first formal example, this seems a most distracting addition. While the discussion of fairness seems to be leading into the proof that the algorithm specifies a single matching for every set of preferences, its treatment is hardly necessary to that end. Nevertheless, 7/10; verbose, but fairly clear. ===== 1.2: Five Representative Problems ===== * Some problems are readily solved, albeit potentially requiring a quite subtle algorithm; others resist efficient analysis unless somehow qualified. Interval scheduling is readily solved by a one-pass greedy algorithm, while weighted interval scheduling requires a more sophisticated approach except in degenerate special cases. Bipartite matching is a superset of the stable matching problem, but still admits an efficient solution to the general case. Independent set finding is an even broader problems, encompassing both interval scheduling and bipartite matching (and thus stable matching) as special cases; however, no solution is known for this general case, and it is NP-complete, so that the existence of such an algorithm is doubtful. Lastly, the competitive facility location problem is yet harder, with no known algorithm much better than brute force. * No insights. * No questions. * I would have liked to see an explication of greedy algorithms and, in particular, the algorithm to solve interval scheduling; looking it up on my own neither seemed too burdensome. 7/10.