Table of Contents

4.5. The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

Problem To be solved

Designing the algorithm

Three simple algorithms that efficiently finds the Minimum Spanning Tree:

Prim's algorithm

Kruskal's algorithm

Reverse-Delete algorithm

Analyzing the Algorithms

Implementing Prim's Algorithm

Implementation from our class' lecture:

for each (v ∈ V) a[v] = ∞
Initialize an empty priority queue Q
for each (v ∈ V) insert v onto Q
Initialize set of explored nodes S = φ
while (Q is not empty)
u = delete min element from Q
S = S ∪ { u }
for each (edge e = (u, v) incident to u)
if (v ∉ S) and (ce < a[v])
decrease priority a[v] to ce

There are several applications of the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithms, many can be found in the book.
This was by far the most interesting reading of the chapter!I give it a 9/10.