====== Transferring Files ====== ===== To Windows Accounts ===== * Open a file manager window * From the "File" menu, select "Connect to Server" * Change the Service type to "Windows share" * The server is mfsacad1.wlu.edu * The domain name is ad.wlu.edu * Enter your user name * Click connect and enter your password ===== To/From Home Machines ===== On Windows, you can use a tools, such as [[http://www.smartftp.com/|SmartFTP]]. Connect to ''pascal.cs.wlu.edu'' with your username and password for the Linux machines. You can then transfer your files from your home machine to your Linux account and back. ===== scp ===== Works similar to the [[unix_basics#copy_files_and_directories|cp]] command: scp where either the source or the destination can be a remote location, in the form ''username@remotehost:path/to/resource/from/username's/home'' ===== sftp =====