3.3: Implementing Graph Traversal Using Queues and Stacks
Two basic ways to represent graphs: adjacency matrix and adjacency list. The adjacency matrix representation of a graph requires O(n^2) space, while the adjacency list representation requires only O(m+n).
Queues and Stacks
A queue is a set from which we extract elements in FIFO order. While a stack is a set from which we extract elements in LIFO order. Both queues and stacks can be easily implemented via a doubly linked list.
Implementing Breadth-First Search
BFS(s): Set Discovered[s] = true and Discovered[v] = false for all other v Initialize L[0] to consist of the single element s. Set the layer counter i=0 Set the current BFS tree T = emptyset While L[i] is not empty Initialize an empty list L[i+ 1] For each node u that is an element of L[i] Consider each edge (u,v) incident to u If Discovered[v] = false Set Discovered[v] = true Add edge (u,v) to tree T Add v to the list L[i+1] increment layer counter i by 1
The above implementation of the BFS algorithm runs in the time O(m + n) (edges + vertices), if the graph is given by the adjacency list representation.
Implementing Depth-First Search
The main difference in DFS is that we only set Explored[v] to be true when we scan v's incident edges, while BFS sets Discovered[v] to true as soon as v is first discovered.
Initialize S to be a stack with one element s While S is not empty Take a node u from S If Explored[u] = false Set Explored[u] = true For each edge (u,v) incident to u Add v to the stack S
The above algorithm implements DFS in the sense that it visits the nodes in exactly the same order as the recursive DFS procedure in the previous section. (runs in O(m+n) time).
Finding the Set of All Connected Components
BFS and DFS spend work only on edges and nodes in the connected component containing the starting node. BOTH RUN AT O(m+n).
Pretty interesting, very useful algorithms. 10/10.