Table of Contents
PostgreSQL Help
SQL in PostgreSQL
Select Statements
Returns the results as a virtual table.
General format:
SELECT c0_name, c1_name, ..., cn_name FROM table1_name, table2_name, ..., table_name [ WHERE condition ];
You can use * to mean all columns in the table. Likely, you will want to specify only the columns you want to appear in your results.
Explanation of Various Joins
The picture below comes from here.
Insert Statements
Preferred way:
INSERT INTO table_name (c0_name, c1_name, ..., cn_value) VALUES ( c0_value, c1_value, ... cn_value );
Column names are not required but depends on order that the columns are in the table:
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES ( c0_value, c1_value, ... cn_value );
Automatic generation of IDs:
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (nextval('student_id_sequence'), 'firstname', '...");
If the table is set up appropriately, if you don't assign a value to the id, it will be automatically generated for you:
INSERT INTO Students (fname) VALUES ('Joe');
Update the sequence value after a COPY FROM:
BEGIN; COPY distributors FROM 'input_file'; SELECT setval('serial', max(id)) FROM distributors; END;
Update Statements
UPDATE [ ONLY ] table SET column = { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] [ FROM fromlist ] [ WHERE condition ]
To update a table with a value in another table:
update table2 set t2field = t1.field from table1 t1 where table2.keyfield2 = t1.keyfield1;
Creating Database
createdb <dbname>
Dropping Database
dropdb <dbname>
Creating Tables
CREATE TABLE table_name ( id integer NOT NULL default nextval('inscription_id_seq'), eagle_id char(9), floor_to_graffito_height varchar(30), description text, comment text, translation text, FOREIGN KEY ( eagle_id ) REFERENCES EAGLE_inscriptions(id), PRIMARY KEY (id) );
Creating Sequences
create sequence "majors_id_seq";
Viewing Table Information
You may want to look at a table's attributes and their types. In a PostgreSQL client, you can use the command \d tablename
, e.g.,
\d Users
to view that information.
List Databases
psql -l
or, inside of psql
Viewing Permissions
Viewing Users
SELECT * FROM pg_roles;
Creating User
Adding user to groups
ALTER GROUP groupname ADD user username [, ... ]
Granting Permissions
GRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | RULE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON [ TABLE ] tablename [, ...] TO { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]
Revoking Permissions
REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | RULE | REFERENCES | TRIGGER } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON [ TABLE ] tablename [, ...] FROM { username | GROUP groupname | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]
Altering Tables
Add a Column
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN col_name type ...
Change Column
ALTER TABLE quizzes ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(30);
Dump Data Base
pg_dump <dbname>
Connecting to Another Database (''use'' in MySQL)
\c dbname